The Parent and Toddler group at The Halifax YMCA is an excellent way of meeting parents and carers of young children in the local area. It runs to benefit children aged under 5 years (pre-school) and is attended by mums, dads, grandparents, childminders or nannies and their children.
One of the key aims of the Parent and Toddler Groups is to provide a warm and friendly environment for local families to come and make friends. It is not only important for children to socialise with their peers, but also equally important for adults. Some new mums and dads may feel that a toddler group is not yet a suitable place to go if their child is still very small. It can be a big adjustment leaving work and staying at home with your child and many mums and dads can feel isolated, unsupported or just in need of a good chat!. Caring for babies and young children can be both exhausting and isolating and our toddler group is an excellent way of enabling parents and carers to establish their own informal 'support networks'.
It’s not just mums and dads with new babies who can benefit from joining our group. If you’ve recently moved house and need to meet new people in the area with children of a similar age then the Halifax YMCA Parent and Toddler group is an excellent way of making new friends.
Opens Monday and Friday mornings (term time) from 9:30am till 12noon.
Admission is £2 one adult & one child, £1 for additional children.
Includes a hot drink for adults and cold drink and snack for your child.
The Halifax and District YMCA
Registered charity in England and Wales 1163210